How to delete google download your data archive

There is no getting away from the fact that Google is hungry for your data. And you thought Jeff Bezos was wealthy! In this article, we have explained how to delete all of your Google data using the Google My Activity tool. It is fairly straightforward, but there are a few different things you have to do to clean up everything.

We have given clear step-by-step guides on how to do everything to make the process as simple as possible. Have you tried to delete all your Google data? How did you find the process? Did you encounter any problems with their tools and if so how did you resolve them? Do you have any additional tips or advice for our readers? Is there anything we have missed out? We always welcome comments and questions from all our readers and strive to answer everyone. But if you do have an urgent issue or concern, your best bet is to contact Google directly.

Gus Frye April 29, Guess what? Google knows. They are basically the all-seeing eye. The sort of information they hold includes: Search History: Google stores all your search history across all of your devices on their servers. How to Find out What Data Google Has on You If you are concerned about what data Google holds about you, the best thing to do is to take a look for yourself.

If you are a regular Google user, be prepared for an extremely long to list. There are several reasons why this is a good idea for some people: It ensures you have a copy of all your data should you need to dig out an old file or email you have long-since deleted. It provides an archive copy of old files allowing you to free up space on your Google Drive. It provides a backup of all your photos and videos logged on Google. It is a simple way to move data to another cloud storage facility. The tool to use to back-up your Google data is called Google Takeout and is not too difficult to use: Google Takeout 1.

Google Takeout Select Data 3. All you need to do is follow these simple steps: 1. Click on the option on the left-hand side of the page labeled Delete Activity by Delete Activity By 3. Select All Time 4. At the bottom of the page, click the Delete button. Click Delete 6. Before You Delete 7. Confirm Delete All Activity 8. To do this, follow these few simple steps: 1. Activity Control 2. Slide Switch Left 4. Activity Paused Other Ways to Delete Google Data If you just want to tidy up your Google data and not delete everything, there are a few different ways you can do this: Delete Individual items: Individual deletions are a popular way of removing any embarrassing or compromising data Google might hold.

How to Delete Google Data on Android Devices If you want to delete all of your Google history from an Android device, you will be disappointed to learn that the methods outlined above are not the answer.

Conclusion There is no getting away from the fact that Google is hungry for your data. Share on facebook Facebook. Share on twitter Twitter. Share on linkedin LinkedIn. In this step-by-step guide, I will show you how to permanently delete your entire Google search history in order to restore your online privacy. Search and browsing data will haunt you no longer. Unlike deleting browser history, following this guide will allow you to permanently delete all of your data.

Google has probably been able to build quite a profile on you since And every time you use an additional Google product, you provide Google with even more data. Google uses this data for three purposes:. Google uses cookies to track every user on all of its platforms. Google also creates a log file every time you browse on Google. You really need to have a Google account in order to delete your data, and deleting it without a Google account is beyond the scope of this article.

Here, you can edit your account settings or delete the stored data. You will then see three promotional slides with reasons why you should share data. We will ignore them since we want to accomplish the exact opposite. Of course, this guide is about erasing your entire Google history, but I want to show you how you can download particular items that you might want to keep. It goes without saying that this should be done before you delete all the data.

I recommend that you delete as much as you can. Of course, you want to keep your most important emails, so download these and delete everything else. By default settings, all the data is selected to be downloaded. The next step is to check the items you want to download. In the following write-up, I will tell you how to achieve just that. Google stores almost everything about you — everything you do while being signed in to Google — from web searches and voice commands to location history of Google Maps and watch history of YouTube.

Fortunately, it does provide a tool to view and examine your data stored on its servers. Though you can check your data using My Activity yet it is hard to examine the data using it, thanks to the overwhelming amount of data collected by Google. Thankfully, Google provides another tool that lets you download the data and analyze it locally on your computer, which in my experience, is the better way to examine the humongous amount of your data stored by Google.

Google is one of the major ad networks that track our online activities for one sole purpose — show us personalized ads.

However, if you are serious about your privacy and do not wish to see focused ads based on your online activities and interests, then you can follow the below steps to turn it off:.

If you do not want to delete your history, but wish to live your digital life without being tracked or watched by Google, then you can simply disable your Google history. Or say you want to delete your history and do not want Google to follow your activities anymore , then this is your solution. Of course, this trick saves you time as well — you do not need to delete your history every now and then.

Nevertheless, you can follow the given steps to ask Google not to monitor your online activities, i. Jennifer Eakins suggests five players it's time to cut ties with for more upside on the waiver wire. Adam Schiff and Liz Cheney read aloud text messages lawmakers sent to the then-White House chief of staff during and after the January 6 riots.

Prince William and Kate Middleton recently released a His name was misspelled on the broadcast and the back of his Rams jersey. Close this content. Read full article.

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